Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Should the drinking age be lowered essay

Should the drinking age be lowered essay

Accessibility of alcohol is a…. In the United States we know, the legal drinking age is It is thought that lowering the drinking age would cause more drunk driving accidents, but, there could be other should the drinking age be lowered essay that could be enforced to help with this. Instead of being in a situation that would offer protection for new drinkers and have people who know the signs of bad drinking habits like, binge drinking, and other unsafe practices. Binge drinking and heavy drinking are at alarming high rates compared to ages above What about drinking and driving?

Should Drinking Age Be Lowered To 18

One of the biggest arguments in the should the drinking age be lowered essay today is the legal age of consuming alcohol. All across the world, should the drinking age be lowered essay, there are different drinking ages which differ from country to country. In the United States we know, the legal drinking age is In England and Australia, the drinking age is Spain and Austria, have the drinking age at I believe the legal drinking age for the United States should be lowered to Some of the reasons I believe this is because it would improve the economy, it would decrease the unsafe drinking activities, it would reduce the numbers of arrests, and I believe that adults should be able to make their own decisions, should the drinking age be lowered essay. First of all, lowering the drinking age would be to improve the economy.

With allowing more people to legally drink, there would be an increase in revenue. There would be more alcohol purchases from stores and licensed businesses. An increase in alcohol purchases from bars, clubs, and restaurants. More people would be inclined to do more activities that are not directly associated with drinking. For example, festivals, concerts, and sporting events. There would also be an increase in the manufacturing of alcohol. New jobs would be created for the faming, brewing and distribution of alcohol. In all aspects of the economy there would be an increase in revenue. How it works. Second of all, lowering the age limit it would decrease the unsafe activities that follow should the drinking age be lowered essay drinking.

With young adults not being allowed to drink in public, this leads to very unsafe and unsupervised drinking activities. Instead of being in a situation that would offer protection for new drinkers and have people who know the signs of bad drinking habits like, should the drinking age be lowered essay drinking, and other unsafe practices. They are forced to be in situations with no supervision and the possibility of harming themselves or others. Third of all, lower the age restriction would also lower the number of young adults breaking the law and getting arrested.

With making lowering the age, it would make drinking less of a taboo activity and eliminate the reckless use of it during college and young adult years. As seen is the history of the United States, when prohibition was taking place, it was repealed because it was enforceable and received a lot of backlash from the people. Now as we can see the United States are making the same mistake. Binge drinking and heavy drinking are at alarming high rates compared to ages above If the limit was lowered young adults would be better educated and be able to learn the safe and healthy ay to drink with friends. Lastly, the age of adulthood in the United States is 18 years old.

At that age, it is legal to fight and possibly die for the country. Smoke cigarettes and be fully responsible for your own actions. You can marry and serve in juries. Vote for elections and receive many responsibilities of being an adult. With all of these responsibilities that are gained, there is no logical reason on to why legal adults should be banned from consuming alcohol. Now that I explained the few reasons on why the United States should lower the drinking age to 18, hopefully it is clear on why this would be a good choice for the country. The reasons I believe that it should be lowered is because it would improve the economy, it would decrease the unsafe drinking activities, it would reduce the number of arrests, and I believe that adults should be able to make their own decisions.

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Spain and Austria, have the drinking age at I believe the legal drinking age for the United States should be lowered to Some of the reasons I believe this is because it would improve the economy, it would decrease the unsafe drinking activities, it would reduce the numbers of arrests, and I believe that adults should be able to make their own decisions. First of all, lowering the drinking age would be to improve the economy. With allowing more people to legally drink, there would be an increase in revenue. There would be more alcohol purchases from stores and licensed businesses. An increase in alcohol purchases from bars, clubs, and restaurants. More people would be inclined to do more activities that are not directly associated with drinking.

For example, festivals, concerts, and sporting events. There would also be an increase in the manufacturing of alcohol. New jobs would be created for the faming, brewing and distribution of alcohol. In all aspects of the economy there would be an increase in revenue. How it works. Second of all, lowering the age limit it would decrease the unsafe activities that follow underage drinking. With young adults not being allowed to drink in public, this leads to very unsafe and unsupervised drinking activities. Instead of being in a situation that would offer protection for new drinkers and have people who know the signs of bad drinking habits like, binge drinking, and other unsafe practices.

They are forced to be in situations with no supervision and the possibility of harming themselves or others. Third of all, lower the age restriction would also lower the number of young adults breaking the law and getting arrested. With making lowering the age, it would make drinking less of a taboo activity and eliminate the reckless use of it during college and young adult years. It can also be noted that regular binge drinking can damage the frontal cortex and other areas of the brain involved in decision-making. As a result of this, the government assumes that young adults won 't be able to make responsible decisions for themselves. However, if the government really cared for the health and well-being of young adults, they would focus more on regulating other harmful substances that could affect the development of young brains.

They need to be consistent. Cigarettes, for example, another right earned when a minor comes of age, can legally be smoked at age 18, but can increase the risk of stroke by 2 to 4 times CDC. Counter Argument: Again, lowering the legal age for a person to consume alcohol has its risks, but at the same time it could improve the way teenagers approach situations. And if they do, they will do it in a responsible setting. VIII: Conclusion: A. All in all, law enforcers should lower the drinking age because the effects of binge drinking and dangerous events would not occur as often. This is why we need to enact a law that lowers the drinking age from twenty one, to eighteen.

Lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen would decrease the thrill of breaking the law to get a drink. Lastly, eighteen year olds should not be denied the enjoyment of drinking, when other pleasurable activities are legal at age eighteen. The subject of lowering the drinking age to eighteen is very controversial. Many argue that since…. Also, studies show how the human brain is not all the way fully developed until the age twenty-one. This brings up the leading argument for those in favor of the legal drinking age at eighteen which is if twenty-one is the legal drinking age because that 's when the human brain is fully developed then why are eighteen year olds considered old enough to vote, get married, serve the military, and even purchase tobacco and make adult decisions like having kids or living on your own.

Those in favor of the legal drinking age set at twenty-one argue that society would be chaotic and destructive if people as young as eighteen are allowed to purchase or consume alcohol, however those against will say that people as young as eighteen and even younger are already exposed to alcohol and are consuming alcohol regardless of the current legal drinking age and there doesn 't seem to be much chaos and…. Furthermore, greater alcohol attainability raises the rate of abuse and addiction. When alcohol is around, it is more likely for someone to be peer pressured into drinking even if they have not yet reached the MLDA "State of New Jersey". Accessibility of alcohol is a…. The consumption of alcohol is a problem, but the main issue that should be recognized is if lowering it would increase safety externally and even internally.

Obviously alcohol is never a healthy thing and many health issues will come out of it if it is abused, but maybe lowering the legal drinking age will help with that too! What about drinking and driving? Henry and Nelson When something is the leading cause of death, the response should be how to fix this problem, not providing easier access to young adults. With research, the major findings since raising the minimum legal drinking age to 21 are decreased motor vehicle crashes and lower rates of alcohol consumption Wechsler and Nelson These two findings show that by changing the age permitting alcohol consumption, it has helped reduce the damage that alcohol can cause towards society.

Many would agree that leaving the minimum legal drinking age at 21 is the best choice, although there are still groups that argue that lowering it is the right of all…. The problem is obvious but the solution is not. Many think that lowering the legal drinking age will change the mindset of the youth thinking they will become more responsible with their drinking habits. Others believe it will harm the youth even more like it did before the s when the drinking age was set at At eighteen, one is considered an adult, but, can not do all the things adults are able to do. It is thought that lowering the drinking age would cause more drunk driving accidents, but, there could be other laws that could be enforced to help with this.

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