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Change management essays

Change management essays

In some change management essays, a manager could encounter some behavioral alterations on the part of team members as they encounter change. The five dimensions of change: an integrated approach to strategic organizational change management. Therefore, this paper analyses EBS Worldwide Inc. In designing and implementing the system, Toyota worked within the constraints of their employee's ability, as demonstrated in the past, and focused on the internal strengths of those employees and their own production processes that they could leverage. The most important skills that ensure the success of implementing a change management process are…. It change management essays also seem that age discrimination might be at issue given the propensity for the new EVP to hire younger people with the attrition that is about to occur quite likely affecting older and more experienced workers much more significantly. Introduction Change management is a crucial part of any business because, given the ever-shifting economy and the relevant economic forces, a business must change to adapt to the prevailing market forces Doppelt

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The challenge therefore is how to…. Fundamentally change management is commerce with two things, change management essays, the technique by which change is obtained in any specific company; along with how working class managed to accomplish the desired change. It has been pragmatic that in this globe there are dissimilar kinds of industries, change management essays, verbal communication and change management essays the problems of everybody are diverse from…, change management essays. In this case we would like to discuss the process of implementing a new HRIS system in the organization, and the possible areas of issues caused by this change and the alternative ways to increase change management essays success of the implementation process.

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Burke, W. Organization change: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications. Fatout, M. Models for change in social group work. New York, Aldine de Gruyter. Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Ventura, Calif, Regal. Companies are almost always changing and growing, but when change management is involved these changes are calculated and they take place in a planned way. The goal is to move the company forward so that it can continue to grow and develop with the times. Sometimes change comes very rapidly, and other times it can take much longer. What kinds of changes take place are also important to consider, because changes have to be managed carefully or they can get out of control and not produce the intended results Kotter, ; Marshak, That can send a company down the wrong path very quickly, which is something an organization would want to avoid.

Change can happen to one department at a time, or…. References Anderson, D. Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today's Transformational Leaders. Burns, M. How to Select and Implement an ERP. Conner, D. The Real Story of the Burning Platform. Dean, C. RIMER Managing Successful Change. Australia: Uniforte Pty Ltd. Change Management Theory Change management is a discipline studied and implemented in various organizations. The existence of this discipline spans for over half a century currently. Thus, it is a discipline of old time, with quite a number of years in existence. This is a remarkably high rate of failure for organizational management change projects. The statistics holds from years of 's to the moment.

There are numerous tools, trainings and thousands of books that organizations turn to employ to implement the change they perceive fits their organization. When the failure occurs, the question is always, should the company go back to the drawing board. Most of these organizations employ various success factors developed…. Beyond change management how to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. San Francisso, Pfeiffer. Hughes, M. Change management: a critical perspective. London, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Saunders, M. Organizational trust: a cultural perspective. New York, Cambridge University Press. Change Management Fabrication International CHANGE Management AT FI i Critical Assessment of Investment-Appraisal Process The investment appraisal process at Fabrication International FI is divided into four distinct steps. This appraisal process reflects the values and concerns of top management that it seeks to realize during the decision making process. FI is marked by traditional expectations of doing business. It expects its long time customers to continue doing business with it irrespective of economic realities. This mindset has prevented the company from modernizing itself.

ecently, the company decided to introduce a computerized welding system to bring in latest technology to its manufacturing processes. The investment decision also went through the same appraisal process that was used for the smaller scale projects the company had been dealing in up until the present. In the first step of the investment appraisal process, the departmental heads are asked to draw up a wish list…. References Andersen, E. Goal Directed Project Management. Kogan Page Limited. Buelens, M. Art and Wisdom in Choosing change Strategies: A Critical Reflection. In Boonstra, J. Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning. Burnes, B. Journal of Change Management, 4 4 p. Journal of Management Studies, 41 6 p.

Change Management and esistance My company changed the client management system. There is no formal system for managing client information. Employees will now be required to use one client management system. We need to implement the plan and will create a change management plan. Identify the potential sources of resistance to change and develop strategies to manage resistance to change. We need to choose the appropriate channels to communicate the change to employees and why we are justified in using these channels. We should list and address all obstacles to effective communication and strategies for overcoming the barriers. ecent years have brought about tremendous growth in our business.

We recently upgraded our processes that improve the quality of service to customers. References Beutler, L. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 67 2 , Ferreira, M. Management Optimization Problems. International Journal Of Academic Research, 3 2 , Menconi, P. It's the Customer, Stupid. Software Magazine, 20 2 , When do you change team leaders?. Electronic Design, 47 22 , The site also offers the Change Management Portfolio Toolkit. Also included on this site are links to the company's Global Conference held May 1 -- 4, in Orlando. htm - This website concentrates on the more academic aspects of change management, including several links to theories and concepts. There are major categories for understanding change and for managing the change project.

The person who authored the site also has a link to buy their book as well. It is an interesting site that provides both academic theories and practical guidance on change management. html The intent of this website is to start with the basics of change management and quickly progress through the more…. Change Management and the IT World In today's world of competition, the fact is that a good IT organization cannot guarantee success, but an organization that is not managed well can surely lead to failure. This paper based on extensive research focuses on explaining how to organize the Information Technology staff to enhance the probability for successful completion of assigned projects and tasks.

The challenge that haunts many organizations regarding their IT management is how can IT be aligned with the business. The task at hand for many top-level executives is how can the IT infrastructure be managed from a business perspective so as to enhance the business value of the organization through proper implementation of Information Technology. The project-based organization focuses on how to design an enterprise project office, by thoroughly understanding the importance and value of an IT enabled organization that is strong enough to transcend all geographical…. htm, accessed on: September 11, GAO, These criteria are stated to "inform many other elements of the positions, including roles and responsibilities, job qualifications, reporting relationships, and decision-making structure and processes.

Government Accountability Office GAO Report GAO November Accessed 21 Sept Statement of David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States U. Government Accountability Office Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Homeland Security: Management and Programmatic Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security Statement of David M. Government Accountability Office. MHS DBT Team Weekly Meeting 18 Dec Organizational Transformation: The. This is why the leader and his team must be selected before this step. Establishing the timeline of the process is in direct connection with the previous step.

Identifying the need or desire for change requires management skills like analyzing and organizing. Identifying and evaluating the effects of change require strong analysis skills, combined with the ability to forecast the development of business processes. Evaluating the climate for change requires observation abilities and control. The step consisting in developing strategies requires for the people involved in the process to be able to plan, to organize, to direct, and to control. Establishing the timeline of the process requires time management skills and the ability to organize. The leader of change must possess a series of other management skills, like leadership, motivation, and self-management Drucker, The most important skills that ensure the success of implementing a change management process are….

Reference list: 1. Riches, A. The Four Emotional Stages of Change. Anne Riches Leadership and Change. Drucker, P. Change Leaders. They will look to the leadership for answers. The articulation of a formal case for change and the creation of a written vision statement are invaluable opportunities to create or compel leadership team alignment" Jones et. all, Furthermore, there are three steps that must be followed in order to be successful with applying this principle: Confronting reality and articulating the need for change, in order to convince each individual that change is necessary and that it will attract positive aspects for the organization and its employees Demonstrating the belief that the company has a viable future and the leadership to get there, so that it accentuates the need for the specific changes in case, on the one hand, and to boost employees' morale through the change management process, on the other hand Providing a map to guide behavior and decision making, because these changes must be kept under control….

Reference List Nickols, Fred Change management A Primer. Change management Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jones, J. all Koch, Geoff ABC: An Introduction to Change Management. CIO Magazine online. Change Management Change as a dynamic process The adopted approaches in the development of change process The elements of the change management models The Measurement Constructs Tool Components of the constructs tool Guidelines for the Questions asked This paper discusses the concept of change management using various parameters. It does this through a development of personal management theory. The change management model is used to provide change management agents with a model that is both structured and measurable for the process of managing as well as evaluating the process of change.

The developed tools are to be used as measurement constructs to be used for evaluating the process of change. The main argument is that there are certain fundamental variables that contribute to a successful implementation of the process of change. The variables to be used do include important success factors of the process of change, issues of communication and…. References Broome A. Managing Change. Chapter 3. MacMillan Press Ltd. Carnell C. Managing Change in Organisations. Prentice Hall International Ltd. Collins, J. Good to Great: Why some companies make the leap and others don't. New York: HarperCollins Publisher Inc. ISBN: Cutcliffe J. Journal of Nursing Management, 5, -- Change management is both a necessary component to organizational success, and, at the same time, it is cause for confusion and tension among employees.

This paper reviews the issues and problems presented in the Spice-Trail Oriental Condiments and Relishes paper -- from the perspective of change management theories and practices. Hired by Kim as a consultant to help smooth out the rough edges and provide strategies for success, this paper reflects the need for leadership changes, cultural adjustments, and other organizational transitions in order to become profitable as well as an enjoyable place to work. Spice Trail Issues and Problems When it comes to the difficulties inherent in launching a new company or enterprise, Machiavelli said it very well in "There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of new systems.

Bibliography Babson College. Contingency Theory. Canton, Erik J. Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy. Guirdham, Maureen. Interactive Behavior at work, New York: Prentice Hall, pp. Kouzes, J. L Taylor and W. Rosenbach Eds. Westview Press: Boulder, CO. and, as in each of the other stages, constantly paying attention and reacting to the problems people bring up. the role of leadership during change Change Management Theories: The process of change has been described to have three fundamental phases: unfreezing, changing, and re-freezing. This view is based mainly on Kurt Lewins' assumption of the systems theory of homeostasis or dynamic stability.

Change Management A primer Change management theories are widespread, and not astonishingly change is a steady and given power in our world, so change management has become an essential tool. Business Process eengineering - BP is one of the change management theories that focus on the procedures by which organizations get their work accomplished. The organizations would be more proficient if better processes were put into practice. but, BP normally does not take into account the people side of organizations - procedures are people done things.

References Billings, Roger. Accessed on 18 March Do Change Management Theories Really Work? Accessed on 17 March Change Management Critique of Kotter's Eight Stage Model of Change The development of change models to support the way that management undertakes change may be seen as a useful development; providing a framework from which change may be understood and therefore actively managed. One of the first models of change was proposed by Lewin , p22 , which presented a relatively simple format for managing change, made up of three stages; unfreezing, the change and then refreezing. It may be argued that this has formed the basis of many subsequent change models, which is built on this foundation and expanded and extended the concept.

For example, the well-known eight stage change model by Kotter , p33 may be seen as readily some inspiration from the simple predecessor from Lewin. Kotter's model, with eight stages, has been argued as being one of the most comprehensive change management models facilitates consideration for many…. References Buchanan, D; Huczynski, A. Dervitsiotis Kostas N, , Feb , The challenge of managing organizational change: Exploring the relationship of re-engineering, developing learning organizations and total quality management. Total Quality Management, v9 n1 p Change Management Plan for Cincom Systems Cincom Systems is one of the leading enterprise software companies in the U.

serving aerospace and defense, industrial, and high tech electronics manufacturers. The company's founder and CEO continues to operate the five divisions of the company privately, with only a handful of insiders knowing the real financial condition of the company. During the recessions of the s, the company management decided to forego annual raises and none have been offered employees since. It is common knowledge that the only way to get a raise is to get a job offer from outside the company and see if Cincom will match it they often do or leave and come back in later years for a higher salary several employees have done this as well.

Cincom is having trouble holding onto its highest-performing engineering, marketing and sales employees as a direct result of not having…. References Business Monitor International United States Information Technology Report - Q3 London: Business Monitor International Publishing. Hoadley, E. Change management: An information flow approach. Kotter, J. Power, success, and organizational effectiveness. Organizational Dynamics, 6 3 , 26 Kotter, J. Problems of human resource management in rapidly growing companies.

California Management Review, 21 2 , Change Management Leading Change Interview Paper Leading Change Interview Obstacles and barriers to change Building change agenda Were goals met? Measuring results Key learning Leading Change Interview Change management addresses the issue of managing change within an organization. Organizations adopt different methods to implement and introduce change that relates to organizational structure, processes, or individual transactions within the company. The Human esource H department is usually tasked with this responsibility in large enterprises. However, the executives within a company are broadly responsible for facilitating and enforcing the change.

The role of company directors has become vital in introducing any organizational change. The literature review indicates that change should be introduced gradually and rather than change itself, it is the management of change that is a more challenging task for the directors, executives, and managers of a firm. This paper aims to present findings of an interview held with a director…. References Beer, M. Breaking the code of change. Harvard Business Press. Bergh, D. Measuring and testing change in strategic management research. Strategic Management Journal, 23 4 , Fullan, M.

The change. Educational leadership, 59 8 , Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard business review, 85 1 , Change Management The objective of this study is to examine the evolution of change management. The work of Hiatt states that the field of change management is a confusing and often complicating field for study as change management "is the application of many different ideas from the engineering, business. And psychology fields. References Eight Commons Misconceptions about the Management of Change Reliable Plant. Change Management Tutorial Series. Retrieved from:. Change Management After recession, many employers expected their employees to inject more hours into work than they did before the recession.

This trend is expected to continue in the near future because employers believe that working extra hours increase productivity. This can however, be dangerous in the long run because it affects employee well being and retention Lepore, Organizations that pressurize their employees to work extra hours to increase productivity are faced with the imminent challenge of sharp increase in voluntary turnover especially when these employee's concerns are amicably addressed and talent management initiatives put in place. Work related stress and poor work-life balance weigh down on employees and this negatively impacts companies' ability to keep their best workers.

In such organizations, employees hardly have a sense of ownership or participation in new initiatives. In many such organizations, too many initiatives are introduced at the same time thereby making…. References List Ferguson, S. Change Fatigue: Myth or Reality. pdf Ganguli, S. Spot the Symptoms of Change Fatigue. The Tipping Point: How little things can make a Big Difference. London: Abacus Printing. The use of competitive analysis is an example of taking a contingency outlook to the issue of change and problem solving.

Ford illustrates that often organizations base future behavior on past performance. This view is at the core of the contingency perspective, and has been taken at time by Toyota. For example the Toyota Production System itself is an example of incorporating the contingency perspective. In designing and implementing the system, Toyota worked within the constraints of their employee's ability, as demonstrated in the past, and focused on the internal strengths of those employees and their own production processes that they could leverage. TPS was entirely designed to fit within the boundaries of Japanese culture and technology at the time, based on past knowledge.

Toyota is a dynamic organization that is often viewed from the systems perspective. This perspective lies at the heart of Toyota's core competencies, including TPS…. Works Cited Ahis, Bill. Organizational Behavior: A Model for Cultural Change. Industrial Management. html Ford, Cameron M. The Futurity of Decisions as a Facilitator of Organizational Creativity and Change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Bradford: Repainting, Modifying, Smashing Taylorism. Change Management Plan for Palms West Hospital PWH The Palms West Hospital PWH plans to implement a change to the use of Electronic Medical ecords EM. Implementation of this change will require leadership to examine barriers to implementation of the system including overcoming resistance to change among personnel.

The hospital is a major employer in surrounding areas. Implementation of EM will allow the hospital to transfer medical records quickly and easily among facilities within the organization and to outside facilities that request them. EM represents state of the art in patient medical record keeping. EM is gaining in popularity and old paper systems are quickly becoming outdated. The main reason for EM's success is that it improves quality, tracking ability, and most importantly, patient safety due to the speed with which staff can access the patient's medical records and history. This time savings can result in better survival rates and…. References Lewin, K. Frontiers in group dynamics. Human Relations, 1, A Process Model of Organizational Change in Cultural Context OC3 Model.

The following relates excerpts from the Website for Who Moved My Cheese? Skill 1: Anticipating Change Anticipating Change is the ability to see what has happened in the past and what is happening now, and realizing what is most likely going to happen next. When you use this skill and become experienced at anticipating change, you feel more in control in changing situations, and become more valuable. Skill 2: Taking New Actions Now is the ability to see what you need to do differently and to do it soon. Then, look at the results and see where you…. References Bielski, L. What Makes a Good Leader? The Go-to "Guy" with Vision and Passion Will Top the Org Chart -- and Lead Change Management. Global Electronics, Inc. Developing Effective School Management.

New York: Routledge. Who Moved My Cheese? Change Management -- a Case Study of ritish Telecom About CRM Theoretical Perspectives, Concepts and Practices Involved in Implementing a CRM Change Management About ritish Telecom ritish Telecom -- Implementing CRM CRM Systems -- Data Quality and systems Integration ritish Telecom -- A Case Study T's Solution Analyzing T's CRM from an Academic Perspective An Example of Systems Integration ritish Telecom -- uilding Customer Relationships Problems with Implementing a CRM System Change Management -- A Case Study of ritish Telecom Today, when one thinks of ritish Telecom, the leading telecommunications firm in the united Kingdom, the words that come to mind are likely to be: successful company, preferred service provider, good service, market leader, reliable, financially solvent, satisfied employees.

However, this was not always the case. Bibliography Accenture Web Site. Argyris, C. On Organizational Learning. Blackwell Publishers. Benjamin, Kim. December 7, Understanding CRM. Bergaron, Bryan. Essentials of CRM: A Guide to Customer Relationship Management Essentials Series. Organisations exist in a constantly evolving environment, warranting change. Organisational change occurs as a result of factors such as industry and market shifts, technological advances, socioeconomic changes, as well as political and regulatory shifts Hayes, Indeed, examples of previously powerful organisations that have declined or even collapsed due to failure to adapt to change are not uncommon.

Nokia, BlackBerry, Motorola, Kodak, Sears, U. Postal Service, Blockbuster, Yahoo, and Xerox are ideal examples. These organisations failed to innovate and embrace change, leading to either acquisition by other companies or collapse. This paper critically evaluates research on change management. Following a comprehensive definition of the field of change management, attention is specifically paid to innovation…. References Betz, F. Managing technological innovation: Competitive advantage from change. Cameron, E. Making sense of change management: a complete guide to models, tools and techniques of organisational change. London: Kogan Page. Chen, J. Innovation: Integration of random variation and creative synthesis. Academy of Management Review, 40 3 , The importance of an innovative leader in the organization.

Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 22 2 , Cummings, T. Organization development and change. Boston: Cengage Learning. Euchner, J. Innovation is change management. Research-Technology Management, 56 4 , The theory and practice of change management. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Hsu, Y. Organizational innovation strategies: The value cocreation strategy VCS model. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 8 2 , 6— Personal Changes A major change among RNs that challenged them and was difficult for them to make focused on implementing a transcultural care model among the nurses that required the nurses to become more educated about different cultures and how to respond to patients of these various cultures.

It required of the nurses the need to maintain two different perspectives and sets of beliefs in the minds at once—their own beliefs and an empathetic view of the beliefs of the patient of the different cultural background. As Kodama and Fukahori noted, the main challenge for RNs tasked with a change of this nature is to develop respect and empathy for others while holding a micro and macro perspective. This paper will describe the different perspective on change by those who like it and those who dread it, explain why readiness for change is so crucial to its success, show…. Change is an action that an organization conducts in order to alter the way the firm operates. These changes may be small and only impact some aspect of daily activity among workers—or they may be large and completely alter the aspect of the company and its approach to business.

For an IT firm, change management will have an after-effect just as it will in any other organization. This paper will provide a review of what has been written on change management and its after-effects in IT. One of the after-effects of change management is a change in workplace culture Perkins, If employees are not ready for the alteration in the culture of the workplace, they could demonstrate resistance. Resistance is a significant after-effect of change management and in IT, it can lead to workers deliberately opposing infrastructural plans for development and change as well as some workers leaving the…. References Anand, N. What everyone gets wrong about change management.

Harvard Business Review, November, Cross, L. Managing change to manage results. Graphic Arts Monthly, 73 11 , Perkins, B. What is change management? A guide to organizational transformation. Schantz, J. How can leaders manage change successfully? com, Walker, G. Change management: Organizational change. Training and Development, June, As Wells points out, one of the best motivators is a leader who is willing to engage in self-leadership—i. Other types of motivation exist, however: Grenny et al. In short, to get employees to drop resistance to change, managers must find the right ways to motivate. This paper will provide synopses of three sections of each of these three books, synthesize the information, and provide an opinion from….

References Grenny, J. McMillan, R. Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Heath, C. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. New York, NY: Broadway Books. Wells, D. Franklin, TN: New Vantage Books. The IT industry is based on the idea that great products require great minds to constantly push the envelope. At the same time, changing organizational life is not easy. Anytime there is a change, there will be obstacles: people who do not like change pushing back and resisting the change. This paper will discuss the reality of changing organizational life; the strategies I will focus on to become a stronger leader of innovation and change; how my strategies are related to my….

References Hornstein, H. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33 2 , McEntire, L. Recruiting and selecting leaders for innovation: How to find the right leader. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13, Termeer, C. Innovative leadership through networks. Public Innovation through Collaboration and Design, Vedenik, G. Change management with the aid of a generic model for restructuring business processes. International Journal of Simulation Modelling IJSIMM , 14 4 , — Victor, P. The five dimensions of change: an integrated approach to strategic organizational change management.

Strategic Change, Coaching for Influence Influencing others is an essential skill and competency in the present day work setting. It is imperative to learn how to influence others in a more efficacious manner so as to advance in different leadership roles within the organization. The following are guiding principles that need to be taken into consideration in coaching for influencing: Pinpointing Precisely the Goal or Objective In regard to influencing others, it is always important to start with the end in mind. That is, it is important to ascertain precisely what the goal or objective for influencing is. That is, being sure of what one wishes the outcome to be, what the influencing is meant to make the others do and also what any sort of change will look like. In the similar phase, it is essential to know your audience.

That is, determining who they are, what is significant to them…. Elite Business Solutions EBS Worldwide, Inc. Introduction Change management is a crucial part of any business because, given the ever-shifting economy and the relevant economic forces, a business must change to adapt to the prevailing market forces Doppelt The process of change management can either be successful or a failure, and its success or failure can significantly affect the continuation of the business. It is not always that failure of change management will translate to failure of the business, but it can significantly affect growth.

This paper focuses on the Indian business environment by analyzing a Small and Medium Enterprise SME and an Entrepreneur who has experience of managing change. The analysis of the business will be done through Lewin's Change Management Model. Therefore, this paper analyses EBS Worldwide Inc. Overview of the Company EBS Worldwide is an international full-service…. Goldberg feels the significant lack of efficiency-powered philanthropy signifies that a much better usage of resources is much more critical than enhancing the total amounts provided.

This paper explores the position introduced by Goldberg and is going to consequently create a position that facilitates it. References Eichler, R. Latin America health sector reform initiative in performance-based reimbursement to improve impact: Evidence from Haiti. Washington, DC: The World Bank, IFC. Frumkin, P. Strategic giving: The art and science of philanthropy. University of Chicago Press. Peter Barron Stark Companies. Why Employees Resist Change. The Decline of Spain Bibliography, Annotated Bibliography Example. Impact of Obesity and Knee Osteoarthritis, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a.

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Get a Free E-Book! Change Management, Essay Example. Pages: 3 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you? HIRE A WRITER! References Kotter International. htm Peter Barron Stark Companies. Stuck with your Essay? Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! Messenger Live chat. Tags: APA Business Undergraduate. The Decline of Spain Bibliography, Annotated Bibliography Example Annotated Bibliography. Impact of Obesity and Knee Osteoarthritis, Essay Example Essay. Get instant essay writing help! It's a Free, No-Obligation Inquiry! Your Email. Describe and give examples of research questions for which external validity is a primary concern.

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